
From OPeNDAP Documentation

Completed Projects

OPULS Development

DAP 4 Features

  1. Versions
  2. Checksum
  3. DAP Service Terminus
  4. Data Model
  5. Requests
  6. Responses
  7. Web Services

Proposals For DAP4 (Heimbigner)

  1. XML Use in DAP4
  2. Grids Delenda Est
  3. Proposal for the On-The-Wire Format
  4. Characterization of URL Annotations
  5. DAP4 DXD Grammar

Old DAP4 Design and Implementation

  • DAP3/4
  • DAP 4.0 Design and DAP 4.0 Essential Features The design is meant to be a complete document while essential features are the minimal see we want to release. Since this task has been stalled for nearly a year, doing the latter seems like a noble goal.

OPULS references

General Development

Project Ideas

Summer of Code