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This document describes how to make releases of the OLFS.

About version numbers:

  • We use Hyrax <major>.<minor> version numbers for release branches.
  • We use <major>.<minor>.<revision> version numbers for the olfs code version.

New versions of a release (only the <revision> field in the version number is changed) should contain:

  • Bug fixes.
  • Updated tests.
  • Changes to production rules.

These changes should be made on the trunk and the merged to the release branch.

Since major development is only happening on development branches, very little on the trunk should change until a development branch is merged into the trunk. If new features are added or the code API changes there should be a new release made, which means make a new release branch.

This page is based on the branching and merging guidelines found here.

Make sure the code is ready to release

Make sure that all of the developers working on the code have checked in their working copies of the trunk, and that all development branches whose functionality/features/codeBase are to included in the release have been merged to the trunk and committed.

Check out the master branch of the OLFS code from GitHub

In a new directory get a fresh copy of the trunk:

git clone https://github.com/opendap/olfs

Build the OLFS

In the checked out OLFS directory run the command:

% ant server

Run the tests

Updated Dec 29th 2020

The Hyrax regression tests utilize an autotools/automake/autotest test system. In order to to run the tests you must have the Hyrax server running. Build and install the BES first. Then build and install the OLFS into a Tomcat instance and start that instance.

Once you have the OLFS built, installed, and running do the following:

  • If you have not done so already, clone the hyrax_regression_tests project:
gitclone https://github.com/opendap/hyrax_regression_tests
  • Change directory into the top of hyrax_regression_tests and perform the following:
autoreconf -vif
make check

The tests may also be run directly:


Either command will run the tests in a traditional autotest test harness, against the server you should have running at http://localhost:8080/opendap/

The testsuite supports several notable command line options:

  • --besdev=yes|no Was the BES built using --enable-developer?
  • --hyraxurl=hyrax-service-endpoint-url Run the various tests (DAP2/4, w10n, wcs, etc.) against the Hyrax instance located at the specified endpoint URL. (default: http://localhost:8080/opendap)
  • --netrc=netrc_file_name Run tests using the specified netrc file (ala cURL) so that the test can authenticate to access the server. (default: ~/.netrc)

Determine Version Numbers

You will need to know the OLFS version and the Hyrax version of the release to build the distribution and to update the various release related files.

OLFS Version Number

  1. Look in the NEWS and README.md files to determine the previous version number.
  2. Determine new version number by looking at the changes to the code (start by reviewing the ChangeLog file)
    • Versioning rules: What the MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION string means:
      • No interfaces changed, only implementations (good): ==> Increment REVISION.
      • Interfaces added, none removed (good): ==> Increment MINOR, set REVISION to 0.
      • Interfaces removed or changed (BAD, breaks upward compatibility): ==> Increment MAJOR, set MINOR and REVISION to 0.
  3. Remember the new version number so that it can be used to:
    • Update the release related files
    • Build the versioned software distribution bundles.

Hyrax Version

Need a set of criteria or a link to them here.

Edit the release related files

Use the script gitlog-to-changelog (which can be found with Google) to update the ChangeLog file by running it using the --since="<date>" option with a date one day later in time than the newest entry in the current ChangeLog. Then, to write the NEWS file, just read over the new ChangeLog entries and summarize.
Tip - This command gets the entire gitlog and reformats it to change log, wrapping and indenting long lines to under 80 characters. Be sure to update the date to the latest date in the current ChangeLog file.:
gitlog-to-changelog --since="1970-01-01" 2>&1 | fold -s -w 72 | awk '{if(!match($0,"^[0-9]|^[\\t]")){printf("\t%s\n",$0);}else{print $0;}}' -

Update version number for the OLFS and HYRAX
Update the version number and DOI markup for the BES.
Update the version number and DOI markup for libdap.
Review content to make sure it's current.
Add new version number and,
Summarize the new additions to the change log. There may be many checkins associated with new feature development. You can summarize those as "Added 'X' feature."
Update version number.
Review content to make sure it's current.

Update the Build Offset

Setting the build offset correctly will set the build number for the new release to "0".

The file travis/versions_and_build_offsets.sh is used by our TravisCI production to set the values of the:


Set the OLFS_VERSION and the HYRAX_VERSION to the values that you used in the NEWS, README, and other files.

Set the values of TRAVIS_OLFS_BUILD_OFFSET and TRAVIS_HYRAX_BUILD_OFFSET to the number of the last OLFS TravisCI build plus one. The previous commit and push will have triggered a TravisCI build. Find the build number for the previous commit in the TravisCI page for the OLFS and use that build number plus 1.

Check in and push the changes

In the local copy of the OLFS master branch in which you updated the ChangeLog and other files:

git commit -a -m "olfs: Updating olfs version and release files to version 1.2.3"
git push

Once this is done, use github to tag the code you just committed both with its version and the version of hyrax to which it belongs:

Tag the release

git tag -m "olfs-<numbers>" -a <numbers> 
git push origin <numbers>

If this is part of Hyrax, also tag this point in the master branch with the Hyrax release number

git tag -m "hyrax-<numbers>" -a hyrax-<numbers> 
git push origin hyrax-<numbers>

Make The Release

  • Make the release in GitHub.
    • Look at previous releases for title format.
    • Use the NEWS entry for the description.
  • Get The DOI for the release from Zendodo.
    • Use the search api to find <cod>olfs xx.yy.zz
    • Copy the markup for the DOI badge and then
  • Update the Release Page in Github with the DOI markup.

Build and Sign the versioned distribution bundles

In an up to date local copy of the OLFS software:


This will create the three compressed tar files for the release in the $olfs/build/dist directory.

Contains the source files for the release
Contains the instructions and .war file that will be used in the tomcat webapps directory.
Contains just the robots webapp that can supply site inventory to bots.

Use gpg to sign the tar bundle

  1. One File: gpg --detach-sign --local-user security@opendap.org olfs-####.tgz
    All Files: for i in build/dist/*.tgz; do gpg --detach-sign --local-user security@opendap.org $i; done
  2. Use sftp to push the signature file and the tar bundle to the /httpdocs/pub/source directory on www.opendap.org
    (Assuming your current working directory is the top of the bes project)
    sftp opendap@www.opendap.org
    cd httpdocs/pub/source
    put olfs-####.tgz.sig
    put olfs-####.tgz
  3. Check your work!
    1. Download the source tar bundle and signature from www.opendap.org.
    2. Verify the signature:
      gpg --verify olfs-####.tgz.sig olfs-####.tgz

Use GPG to detach sign each of these three files and you're ready to upload them to the website for distribution.

The OLFS has historically been published here: http://www.opendap.org/pub/olfs/