Understanding the NCML Handler

From OPeNDAP Documentation

The NCML handler has 53 classes. The classes fall into four broad categories:

Used to perform various routine tasks (namespace agg_util)
BES Framework
Used to instantiate the module and provide interface hooks for the BES DAP module (namespace ncml_module)
NCML Parser
A SAX2 parser that uses the NCML text to build one or more DAP objects (DDS, DataDDS, etc.) (namespace ncml_module)
AIS code
Classes that add, modify or remove variables and attributes. (namespace ncml_module)
Aggregation code
Classes that build Join New and Join Existing aggregations (namespace ncml_module)

The following sections list the classes/files that fall into these five categories along with some notes about those classes where appropriate.

In the listing of classes, indentation is used to show parent-child relationships within the module. For classes that inherit from BES framework or libdap classes, child: public parent is used.


  1. RCobject - A reference counted object class. This is used to add reference counting to the DDS, etc., objects the handler makes. This could possibly be refactored out of the code in favor of shared_ptr<> if we adopt C++-x11. This class also seems to have support for a memory pool, but comments imply that it's never been implemented.
  2. RCObjectInterface - An interface for the RCObject class.
  3. NCMLUtil
  4. AggregationUtil
  5. DirectoryUtil
  6. NCMLDebug.h - Macros
  7. MyBaseTypeFactory - Used by VariableElement and AggregationElement
  8. NCMLBaseArray: public libdap::Array - An abstract class
    1. NCMLArray<T> - This is only used in MyBaseTypeFactory
  9. DDSAccessInterface - Interface class for any object that can contains a DDS
  10. DDSLoader - Helper class for temporarily hijacking an existing dhi to load a DDX response for one particular file.

BES Framework

  1. NCMLModule: public BESAbstractModule
  2. NCMLRequestHandler: public BESRequestHandler

NCML Parser

The classes the make up the core of the SAX2 parser are:

  1. SaxParser
    1. SimpleLocationParser
    2. OtherXMLParser
  2. SimpleTimeParser - Odd that this is not a child of SaxParser...
  3. XMLHelper
  4. SaxParserWrapper

Those classes are augmented by the Element classes that are used to build the in-memory objects the NCML needs to carry out the AIS or Aggregation tasks specified by a given NCML file. They are:

  1. NCMLElement
    1. AggregationElement
    2. AttributeElement
    3. DimensionElement
    4. ExplicitElement
    5. NetcdfElement
    6. ReadMetadataElement
    7. RemoveElement
    8. ValuesElement
    9. ScanElement
    10. VariableElement
    11. VariableAggElement

AIS Code

  1. RenamedArrayWrapper: public libdap::Array

Aggregation code

  1. AggregationException: public std::runtime_error
  2. Dimension - Struct for holding information about a dimension of data, minimally a name and a cardinality (size)
  3. AggMemberDataset: public RCObject
    1. AggMemberDatasetWithDimensionCacheBase
      1. AggMemberDatasetDDSWrapper
      2. AggMemberDatasetSharedDDSWrapper
      3. AggMemberDatasetUsingLocationRef
  4. ArrayAggregationBase : public libdap::Array
    1. ArrayAggregateOnOuterDimension
    2. ArrayJoinExistingAggregation
  5. GridAggregationBase : public libdap::Grid
    1. GridAggregateOnOuterDimension
    2. GridJoinExistingAggregation

How it works

This is a narrative description of how the handler works. With 49 classes (well, 49 header files), it's pretty complicated. This is an abridged explanation!

Building DDS and DataDDS objects using NCML

To build a DDS response from a NCML file, the handler runs NCMLRequestHandler::ncml_build_dds. The ncml_build_dds() method first parses the NCML text and returns a BESDapResponse object that holds either a BESDDSResponse that in turn holds a DDS. The actual parse operation is done by SaxParserWrapper::parse() once the SaxParserWrapper class is instantiated using an instance of NCMLParser. The NCMLParser object provides the SaxParserWrapper with a response object, response type and filename. The SaxParserWrapper::parse() takes the filename of the NCML to parse (which is redundant since the SaxParserWrapper instance was initializes using the NCMLParser object which has the filename in it as a field. The parse() method returns the BesDapResponse object (a BESDDSResponse that holds a DDS). I don't know why it returns a BesDapResponse with a ... instead of just returning a DDS.

Once the handler has the DDS in the BESDDSResponse in the BesDapResponse, it copies the variables and attributes from it to the BESDDSResponse that was passed into the NCMLRequestHandler::ncml_build_dds() method via its DHI BESDataHandlerInterface parameter. It then sets the constraint, file name and dataset name and returns, with the DHI all set for use in the rest of the BES pipeline.

Oddly, the Data code seems to do just about the same thing, but a bit more simply, leaving out the copy step.

The handler returns a DSS/DataDDS with variables that match the 'commands' in the NCML file. In the case of NCML that specifies AIS operations only, the variables are 'normal' with the possible exception that a renamed variable uses a special set of classes the wrap the original variable providing a new name so that the client will both see that new name and be ale to send the server a CE using that name. The CE parser will work using the new name, but the variable's read() method will have access to the old name when it tries to read data from the file, etc. This is critical since the NetCDF, HDF4, etc., API has no notion that the name is 'different' and must be given the variable's real name.

For aggregations the handler's operation is effectively the same except that the variables in the DDS are actually made up of many variables.

How variables are renamed

The renaming of variables is handled in the construction of runtime objects in the class VariableElement. As the NcML parser encounters variable elements inn the NcML document, the VariableElement is instantiated and the ncml_module::VariableElement::processBegin() method is called in which the presence of the attribute "orgName" is detected. If present the method ncml_module::VariableElement::processRenameVariable() is called. This method is, I think, a problem.

In ncml_module::VariableElement::processRenameVariable():

If the request is NOT "data" request, then:

  • It makes a copy of the libdap variable using libdap::BaseType::ptr_duplicate().
  • It changes the name of the newly minted copy.
  • It deletes the original variable from the DDS.
  • It adds a copy (wtf?) of the new variable to the DDS at the same scope (but not in the same lexical position)

If the request is a "data" request, then:

  • If the variable IS NOT a libdap::Array (checked using a dynamic_cast) it calls the variables libdap::BaseType::read() method.
    • THIS IS MAY BE A PROBLEM: If the variable is a libdap::Grid or a libdap::Structure that contains large data objects, such as arrays, all of this data will be read into program memory. This is especially troubling if one considers that such a Structure may be part of the aggregation and thus many, many of them could be read into memory.
  • If the variable IS a libdap::Array (checked using a dynamic_cast) it calls the variables libdap::BaseType::read() method.

How attributes are modified, added or removed

How Join New aggregations are built

How Join Existing aggregations are built