Wiki Testing/intro

From OPeNDAP Documentation

DODS and Data Standards

Once upon a time there was DODS. And it was good. DODS solved many problems of dataset incompatibility by making remote datasets pretend to be in a format they were not in. This was tricky, and it was largely accomplished by hiding from the user the actual data storage format, and using many different converters to provide data in a standard transmission format.

However, data storage format isn't everything. Though the DODS solution is quite a useful one, it has its limitations. Two datasets can be incompatible even though they share an identical data storage format. For example, consider two sea surface temperature datasets stored in netCDF format files. One can store its temperature in degrees Celsius, and another can store temperature as raw data, in unscaled satellite counts, that have to be converted into temperature values meaningful to a human.

Levels of Compatibility

In discussions about whether two different datasets are compatible, we must distinguish between different levels of compatibility. What level is important depends to some extent on how you intend to use the data. To a human, for example, two datasets could be considered compatible if they are about the same data variable. Two temperature datasets that cover the same area might be considered quite compatible, if all one is doing is looking at two different color contour maps lying on a table, or side-by-side on a computer screen.

However if one is seeking datasets on which to execute various analyses and computations, a higher level of compatibility is required.

The issues of data compatibility can be separated into four categories:

  • Data storage format
  • Data attributes
  • Data organization
  • Server interface

Data Storage Format

Two datasets whose data are stored and retrieved with different data format software are incompatible. A dataset stored with netCDF software cannot be read by a program to read HDF files, and vice versa.

Data storage format was the first compatibility issue that DODS addressed, and it does so fairly successfully. Whatever storage format data are kept in, the DODS server translates them into a standard transmission format before sending them to the DODS client requesting that data. This translation happens file by file, however, so datasets that span multiple files may remain somewhat problematic, even though the file format itself is not an issue.

Data Attributes

Having solved the problem of data storage compatibility, DODS was faced with the problem of incompatible data attributes. That is, considering our two temperature datasets, one dataset could refer to its temperature data in an array called "T", while another could refer to an array called "Temp". To a human comparing the two files, the equation between the two might be obvious, but to a computer it might not. (Even to a human, the facts might not be as obvious as they seem. For example, "T" could also refer to "Time")

Other data attributes that are important to be able to compute with a set of data include flags for missing data and unit and unit conversion information. The data standard outlined in ( dods-standard) of this document is an attempt to address this issue.

Data Organization

The organization of a dataset can create another impediment to compatibility. Consider, for example, two datasets containing salinity measurements of the ocean at various different depths, and at different times. Assuming that there is some reason not to put all the information in a single file, each dataset must be divided among several files, and this is where certain incompatibilitles can sneak in.

One dataset could store its data in several files, each of which contains a three-dimensional array---corresponding to latitude, longitude, and depth---of salinity values, corresponding to a particular time. But a similar dataset might be arranged as arrays of latitude, longitude, and time, with several different files corrsponding to different depths. Both arrangements are, in fact, common among on-line datasets.

The DODS Catalog Server, under development, is intended to address the issue of data organization within a dataset, allowing a user to query differently organized datasets with the same syntax query.

Server Interface

The DODS software does create solutions to the compatibility issues outlined above. However, in doing so, it introduces a fourth compatibility issue, which is that of the server interface itself. A DODS server is programmed to respond to a set of server commands issued by a DODS client. These commands come in the form of URLs sent to the server.

Because the DODS project is a widely distributed project, and because the datasets available through DODS are---by design---not under central control, it is not always certain that two given DODS servers will be running software from the same software release. Similarly, since there are provisions for making local modifications to server behavior, it is also not certain that server functions available on one server are available on another, even when they are both running at the same software release.

Addressing these issues is an ongoing preoccupation of the DODS project and its (growing) user base. The DODS servers also contain provisions for making this information available to clients. See OPeNDAP User Guide for more information.