Update The Hyrax Release Web Page

From OPeNDAP Documentation

Currently we have a single page for each major release. Minor release information is added to the major release page to which the minor release is associated. For example if you are making minor release Hyrax-1.16.5 then you would add the release information to the Hyrax-1.16 page.

Creating A Major Release Page

  1. If this is a major release copy the previous major release X.Y page to X.(Y+1).
  2. Clear out the contents of the page while maintaining the structure:
    • Release Information
      • New Features (Remove content.)
      • Bug Fixes (Remove content.)
    • Hyrax Software Downloads (Keep contents but update as described in the Minor Release section below.)
      • Required External Dependencies (Ibid)
      • Binary Packages (Ibid)
        • Installation Summary (Ibid)
      • Source Code (Ibid)
      • GitHub (Ibid)
      • Snapshots (Ibid)
    • Hyrax Server Documentation (Ibid)
  3. Follow the instructions for updating the web page for a Minor Release below.

Updating The Release Page For A Minor Release

Update the New Features section

  1. Under "New Features" create a new sub-section (Heading 2) titled "Added in Hyrax-xx.yy.zz" for the new release. If this is a major release then zz==0, example: Hyrax-1.16.0
  2. Create an html anchor at the beginning of this new heading titled "hyrax-.xx.yy.zz-features".
  3. In the abbreviated table of contents at the top of the page add a new link in the bullet list under "New Features" titled "hyrax-xx.yy.zz" and point the link to your new anchor "#hyrax-xx.yy.zz-features"
  4. Take the entires that you made to the NEWS files for libdap, BES, and OLFs and enter them into this new section, format them for readability and navigability. (See previous releases for examples.)

Update the Bugs/Issues Addressed section

Create a new section

When the Jira Release Process was completed you generated release page(s) for our one or both of our Hyrax JIRA and/or our [NASA JIRA]. Locate the appropriate release page from each JIRA for this release and link them to the bugs/issueThese release pages should be referenced in

Update the Hyrax Software Downloads section

  1. Update the links on the web page made/copies/edited above. Test each link - source and binary. Once all of those work...

Publish the release page

  1. Publish the release page. Check the links - there are links in two menus that have to be set manually.