
From OPeNDAP Documentation


What makes a Dataset a coverage?

Supported Conventions

CF-1.0 Convention

Augmenting Dataset Metadata with NcML


Adding Data Sets To The Catalog.

In order for the WCS service to work it must know which DAP data sets are to be served as WCS coverages. There are a number ways that data sets can be identified.


A Coverage element identifies a single DAP data set that is to served as a WCS coverage. The Coverage element must contain the fully qualified data access URL for a DAP data set that is to be served as a coverage. This URL will be examined and the software will attempt to get the RDF version of the data set's DDX from the DAP server.



A ThreddsCatalog element identifies a THREDDS catalog which contains DAP data access URLs that point to DAP data sets that will be served as WCS coverages. Each DAP data set in the catalog will be served as a separate Coverage. The recurse attribute determines if the software will follow 'catalogRef links in the THREDDS catalog to ingest the entire catalog hierarchy starting at the provided node.

<ThreddsCatalog recurse="false" ></ThreddsCatalog>


An RdfImport element identifies a single RDF file to load directly into the repository. This is a mechanism for loading additional OWL ontologies and inference rules into the system at start-up. The RdfImport element must contain the fully qualified URL for an RDF file.


Overriding Default Paths





Controlling Repository Update Behavior

   <useUpdateCatalogThread updateInterval="90" />

Example Configuration

   <Handler className="opendap.wcs.v1_1_2.DispatchHandler">

       <WcsCatalog className="opendap.semantics.IRISail.StaticRDFCatalog">
           <useUpdateCatalogThread updateInterval="90" />

