Jira Release Process

From OPeNDAP Documentation
Revision as of 17:12, 7 January 2022 by Ndp (talk | contribs) (→‎NASA JIRA)


This is a work in progress... (jhrg 12/05/18)


Get all the closed tickets for this release

Jira Recently Closed Tickets

Get closed tickets, numbers, et c., from Jira. Go to the Issues and Filters page and Look at recently closed issues. Edit the query by clicking on the 'Advanced' link at the upper right, and then get the list of issues as an Excel/CSV file. This makes the issues, their obscure ticket numbers, et c., easy to copy and paste into the release web page.

Update the Release Version

Jira Releases

Add a new 'Release version' on the Jira 'Releases' page. Then 'release' the current version, moving all unclosed tickets up to the next logical version.


  1. Go to the Hyrax JIRA page at NASA.
  2. Find the Version for the pending Hyrax release. If you can only find the Version for a previous release make a new Version title Hyrax-<numbers> for the new release.
  3. Locate the tickets closed since the last Hyrax release date. You can easily find this out by using the saved issue filter "Closed Since". You may have to edit the filter so the "since date" reflects the date of the previous Hyrax release.
  4. Examine each ticket to determine if the work done resulted in a change to Hyrax or to a change to some part of the NGAP stack. Add the Hyrax Version tag to the tickets that have become part of the publicly available Hyrax code. Do not include changes that are associated with NGAP CI/CD, NGAP deployments, or NGAP Cloud provisioning. The idea is to only tag changes that were made to Hyrax that took place in our GitHub repository and that changed the server that we release publicly. In theory this process should be happening as we go along in the NGAP JIRA process, so this step should really be a "sweep" to make sure nothing important was missed.
  5. When this has been completed you can go to the Hyrax Version page and make it a Release.
  6. Copy the URL for the release page for inclusion in the Hyrax release page on www.opendap.org