
From OPeNDAP Documentation


This document describes how to make a release of the official Hyrax Docker image

Each of our official Docker image builds are based on an associated official release of the Hyrax server. The images are built using the official release tar/war files whose authenticity is verified during the build.

In our Docker project, each release of Hyrax has its own directory. Making a new release begins with copying the template files to a new release directory, editing their contents, and of course testing that it works.

Automated Build (hyrax-xx.yy.zz docker containers)

This build will utilize version numbers to grab the components of Hyrax from www.opendap.org/pub and build the docker container with them.

Create And Build Release Images

From the command line make the working directory the top of the hyrax-docker project.

  1. Edit the mkDist file and update the following values to reflect the various release components and the release date.


  2. Save the file.
  3. Run the file:
  4. Done.

At this point, unless errors were encountered, all the images should be built.

Test the images.

They should already be tagged with the various names, including the images that will be needed for docker hub:


Test the Hyrax image like this:

docker run -d -h hyrax -p 8080:8080 --name=hyrax opendap/hyrax:latest

Test the Hyrax with ncWMS image like this:

docker run -d -h hyrax -p 8080:8080 --name=hyrax_ncwms opendap/hyrax_ncwms:latest -n http://localhost:8080

And to see the ncWMS working look here:


Upload the tested images to Docker Hub

To get them into docker hub:

docker push opendap/hyrax:xx.yy.zz
docker push opendap/hyrax:latest
docker push opendap/hyrax_ncwms:xx.yy.zz
docker push opendap/hyrax_ncwms:latest

Update Documention

Make sure the the hyrax-docker/README.md file is up to date and that the instructions continue to reflect the current build.

Tag the Release

  1. Make sure all changes have been pushed and merged to the master branch.
  2. Since the Docker project is essentially linked to a Hyrax Release, tag this point in the master branch with the Hyrax release number
    • git tag -a hyrax-<numbers> -m "Hyrax <number>"
    • git push origin hyrax-<numbers>

Manually build the Hyrax release docker container

Follow the basic instructions to build the docker containers in the github project's README.

Overview: Building For Distribution

Here are the basics steps:

  • Clone the repo
  • Copy the hyrax-latest dir to the next version number if needed and re-assign the symbolic link
  • cd into the directory and build the hyrax container both with and without ncWMS It is easiest todo all the steps for the plain image, then repeat for the image with ncWMS
  • Build the image
  • Test the image by running it.
  • Stop the running container (Running image is called a container)
  • Create an image from the stopped container (via the container_id) using the name of the target repository_id and docker commit
  • Login to Docker.
  • Tag the image.
  • Push the image.

Cheat sheet

Run an interactive shell in a container
To grab a container and run a shell, use docker run -it --name=builder opendap/centos7_hyrax_builder:1.1 /bin/bash where -it is the magic option.
Update the state of a container
This includes adding new packages to an existing container
  • First run an interactive shell in the container: docker run -it --name=builder opendap/centos7_hyrax_builder:1.1 /bin/bash
  • Run commands in the container's shell to do whatever needs to be done to add/remove/configure the container. For example, to add the aws cli tools, I ran yum install epel-release, yum install python-pip, pip install --upgrade pip, and pip install --user awscli
  • Then, exist from the shell back to the controlling terminal. The 'container' (builder in the above) will be stopped once you exit (using ctrl-d).
  • Commit the container: docker commit builder opendap/centos6_hyrax_builder:1.2 where centos6_hyrax_builder is the basename of the container from the Docker Hub repo in the first step
  • Push the updated and committed container: docker push opendap/centos6_hyrax_builder:1.2

Run an interactive shell in a container
To grab a container and run a shell, use docker run -it --name=builder opendap/centos7_hyrax_builder:1.1 /bin/bash where -it is the magic option.
Update the state of a container
(This includes adding new packages to an existing container)
  • First run an interactive shell in the container: docker run -it --name=builder opendap/centos7_hyrax_builder:1.1 /bin/bash
  • Run commands in the container's shell to do whatever needs to be done to add/remove/configure the container. For example, to add the aws cli tools, I ran yum install epel-release, yum install python-pip, pip install --upgrade pip, and pip install --user awscli
  • Then, exist from the shell back to the controlling terminal. The 'container' (builder in the above) will be stopped once you exit (using ctrl-d).
  • Commit the container: docker commit builder opendap/centos6_hyrax_builder:1.2 where centos6_hyrax_builder is the basename of the container from the Docker Hub repo in the first step
  • Push the updated and committed container: docker push opendap/centos6_hyrax_builder:1.2

Build and push the hyrax image

  • Build the image
docker build -t hyrax_image hyrax
  • Run the image like this
docker run -h hyrax -p 8080:8080 --name=hyrax_container hyrax_image
And have a look at http://localhost:8080/opendap You should see Hyrax running in Docker
Hyrax Running in Docker
  • Find the 'container ID' for the docker image. If you used the --name parameter when you invoked docker run above then that's the container_id, otherwise you can find it using
docker ps
For this example it's hyrax_container
  • Stop the running container
docker container stop hyrax_container
  • Use docker commit to create a repository image of the container using the container_id and its target repository name. (In this example we use hyrax_container for the container_id and hyrax as the repository name.)
docker commit hyrax_container hyrax
  • Login to the OPeNDAP docker hub account using an account name linked to the opendap repo on the Docker Hub main site
docker login
  • Tag and Push the repository image. Do this two times, first using the tag 'opendap/hyrax:<version>' and then 'opendap/hyrax:latest'. The string format for the tags for the docker container/image are structured like this,
  • <reponame> is the opendap repo name (this is really the opendap section of the main Docker Hub repository),
  • <repo_id> is the commit name from the docker commit ... command above
  • <tag> is version (for example 1.15.2) or the string 'latest'.
Once tagged, push the container up to the repo using docker push <tagged name>
docker tag hyrax_container opendap/hyrax:x.y.z
docker push opendap/hyrax:x.y.z
docker tag hyrax_container opendap/hyrax:latest
docker push opendap/hyrax:latest

Build and push the hyrax_ncwms image

  • Build the image
docker build -t hyrax_ncwms_image --build-arg USE_NCWMS=true hyrax
  • Run the image like this
docker run -h hyrax -p 8080:8080 --name=hyrax_ncwms_container hyrax_ncwms_image -n http://localhost:8080
And then have a look at http://localhost:8080/opendap You should see Hyrax running in Docker
Hyrax Running in Docker

Note: The value of the -n parameter at the end of the docker run command should be the outward facing IP/domain_name of your docker container's tomcat endpoint. If you are building and running this on your local system then http://localhost:8080 will probably work great. If you are deploying the Hyrax container in AWS then you'll have to do more work to get that value.

  • Find the 'container ID' for the docker image. If you used the --name parameter when you invoked docker run above then that will work, otherwise you can find it using
docker ps
For this example it's hyrax_ncwms_container
  • Stop the running container
docker container stop hyrax_ncwms_container
  • Use docker commit to create a repository image of the container using the container_id and its target repository name. (In this example we use hyrax_ncwms_container for the container_id and hyrax_ncwms as the repository name.)
docker commit hyrax_ncwms_container hyrax_ncwms
  • Login
docker login
  • Tag and Push the repository image.
docker tag hyrax_ncwms opendap/hyrax_ncwms:x.y.z
docker push opendap/hyrax_ncwms:x.y.z
docker tag hyrax_ncwms opendap/hyrax_ncwms:latest
docker push opendap/hyrax_ncwms:latest

Docker command info

For the tag command
Docker Tag
For the push command (this shows the commit, tag, push sequence as an example)
Docker Push