How to Make a Release

From OPeNDAP Documentation

This is an updated set of notes regarding a software release. It is tailored to a release of Hyrax, but the same process can be used for any of our code.

  1. Look for any tickets that have been bound to the label 'fix release x.y.z' and make sure those are completed. Use the Kanban board.
  2. When we are ready to release, follow the process outlined in the sections below.
  3. Once done, close the board

When we decide to release software

Use the developers at list to send out notices to all the developers about pending releases.

Planned release

If this is a planned release, send out a notice at least two weeks in advance to anyone who likely has made changes to the software. More lead time is, of course, better. This will allow developers time to get their code and documentation changes into github and onto the master branch in time for the release.

Run Coverity!

Emergency releases

If this is an 'emergency' release, then send out a notice to developers as soon as the decision to release is made, since this will give a chance for other developers to lets us know if there are new changes in the master branch that are ready for release. if we don't get an email from those developers of a particular component, then we should assume that the code might not be 100% ready for release and we should use the version tagged with/for the last release if possible.

Maybe run Coverity - depends on the scope of the changes.

Release Prerequisites

Only start this process when hyrax-dependencies, libdap, bes and OLFS master branches all building and passing their tests.

Steps For A Major Release (ex: 1.16.x -> 1.17.0)

  1. Security Review for libdap, BES and OLFS Now Handled By TravisCI
  2. Write a new X.Y web page. See the web site admin notes for info about this. It has important information about the menu links. Base this on the previous release page's structure/content.
  3. Follow the remaining steps for a minor release (below).

Steps For A Minor Release (ex: 1.16.5 -> 1.16.6)

  • Committing and pushing the various changes made for the source releases will trigger a binary build and those binaries will have the version numbers made in the source distributions update.
  • Perform these steps in the order stated as downstream activities rely on items created in earlier steps, such as the creation of the DOIs for libdap and BES are required when updating the OLFS,

Perform the Jira Release Process

hyrax-dependencies: Source Release For hyrax-dependencies

libdap: Source Release for libdap

BES: Source Release for BES

OLFS: Source and Binary release for OLFS

Sign And Publish The C++ Binary Distributions

Note: This was already done for the java OLFS in the previous steps.

Retrieve the binary RPM packages built using the CI/CD process

  1. Pull the binary packages from our S3 bucket. Log into the OPeNDAP AWS account and goto:
  2. Locate and download the most recent builds of the libdap4 to your system. This is easily done by filtering on the string "libdap" and then sorting by date so the most recent builds are at the top.. Be sure to get the library, developer, and debug info rpms for each architecture. For example if the version is <numbers> and the architecture is CentOS-7 get:
    • libdap-<numbers>.el7.x86_64.rpm
    • libdap-devel-<numbers>.el7.x86_64.rpm
    • libdap-debuginfo-<numbers>.el7.x86_64.rpm
  3. Locate and download the most recent builds of the BES to your system. This is easily done by filtering on the string "bes" and then sorting by date so the most recent builds are at the top. Be sure to get the library, developer, and debug info rpms for each architecture. For example if the version is <numbers> and the architecture is CentOS-7 get:
    • bes-<numbers>.el7.x86_64.rpm
    • bes-devel-<numbers>.el7.x86_64.rpm
    • bes-debuginfo-<numbers>.el7.x86_64.rpm

Sign the RPM packages

In the directory containing only the RPM packages for the release run the following command:

for i in *.rpm;do gpg --detach-sign --local-user $i; done

Publish the RPM packages and their signatures

  1. Use sftp to log into
  2. cd httpdocs/pub/binary/hyrax.XX.YY/<os-name>
    (where XX.YY is the major release number, ex: 1.16 and <os-name> is something like centos-7 for CentOS-7 RPMs):
  3. put *.rpm*
  4. exit

Build And Publish Docker Images For The Release

Install the new server on

Update the release page on website

Currently we have a single page for each major release.

If this is a major release

copy the X.Y page and make it X.Y.n. In the future, we might use only a single page for release X.Y and simply amend it with information for version .1, .2, and so on. Don't bother to edit the links, just get the text in place.
  1. Update the links on the web page made/copies/edited above. Test each link - source and binary. Once all of those work...
  1. Publish the release page. Check the links - there are links in two menus that have to be set manually.

Send out a notice.

Time to complete by release

Update and of the release checklists and the 'Time to complete...' information below.

  • Hyrax 1.12.2: The total time was planned as 3w 1d 5h and turned out as 1w 2d 2h 10m.
  • Hyrax 1.15.1: 3d calendar time
  • Hyrax 1.16.2: 3d effort