Git Hacks and Tricks

From OPeNDAP Documentation
Revision as of 23:20, 2 January 2015 by Jimg (talk | contribs)

Git resources

Setup a username and access token for GitHub

git config --global github.user <name>
git config --global github.token <token>
where the token is made using the instructions at

Cheat sheet items

These are simple things that are not really obvious from the git book or other sources

How to see a list of 'conflicted' files after a merge
git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U
How to see the different remote branches
git remote show origin
How do I see what would be pushed to a remote repo?
git push --dry-run
git diff origin/master # Assumes you have run git fetch, I think
git diff --stat origin/master # --stat just shows the file names stats, not the diffs