From OPeNDAP Documentation
  • Use a multipart MIME document to hold the DDX and one data blob per DDX. Adopt the same use of Multipart. MIME as WCS uses.
  • consider the following design idea for embedding type information within the data stream:

In DAP2, the DDS is used as a descriptive header for data. For gridded data that works OK but for point data it doesn't work so well. When the data are read as from a stream, it's OK, but when the data are read and stored, then used, they need to be in a linked structure. Because the DDS contains the data type definition and not the value, it does not hold a structure suitable for holding values. Look at how the d_values field in Sequence works (see Sequence::print_val(), deserialize()). A better approach would be to encode the type of a variable in the data stream itself and have the reader (client most of the time) build instances as needed. For arrays, structures and simple types this is mostly a wash, but for Sequences it would be a major plus because the protocol could support sequences of complex objects more easily. It would also get rid of the odd situation where a DDS holds a type definition for a nested sequence while the top-most sequence holds the tree of objects which hold values. (I.E. the child sequences in the DDS don't hold data at all).

As an alternative, suppose we build a data response using the DDX in a multipart document and then encoded type information in the data stream as well? This would provide a way to bundle attributes with variables in the data response and locate type information with the data values (for sequences mostly).

Normative References

Multipart MIME


Using Multipart MIME for the DataDDX response

The DataDDX response's network representation will be as a Multipart MIME document with two parts: One part that contains a DDX that contains zero or more variables; and one part that contains zero or more bytes of XDR-encoded data which corresponds to the variables declared in the DDX. The Data element in the DDX holds an xlink reference to this second part.

The DataDDX may be empty to account for cases where a dataset contains only type definitions, something that never happens now but which is an emerging feature of both HDF5 and NetCDF4.

The DataDDX will always have two parts, even if the second 'data' part is empty so that processing software can always assume that a DataDDX will occupy two parts of a multipart MIME document.

ndp asks:
Does this make sense? Since in the long run software is going to need to find the dap:Data element to get the content ID of the data part, why not make the presence of the second MIME part be dependent on the presence of the dap:Data element? This would accomplish a couple of things:

  • Cut down on transmission overhead.
  • Make the clients implement the part where they look for the content ID, instead of assuming that any associate MIME part contains the binary data for the DDX in hand.

jimg 13:02, 11 December 2008 (PST) OK. Lets try this:

The DataDDX will have either one or two parts in a multipart MIME document. If data values are present, then the M. MIME document will have (at least) two parts and a client will find the 'data part' using the Data elements xlink:href attribute. If no data are present then the M. MIME document will have one part and no Data element.

One issue I see here is that the server (BES, really) may not know that the data part will be empty. Suppose the CE invokes a function that samples a Grid or an Array such there are no data values. Or a Sequence with the same result. The data part might be empty. Or the data requested results in an error, so the error and no data are all that appear in the 'data part'. The design needs to support the case where we build a description of the data to be returned and send that and then start building the data themselves.

I was thinking that always having the DataDDX contain two parts, with the explicit connection between then even when no data are actually present is akin to having an explicit representation for zero; it makes the notation complete for possible responses (zero or more items) instead of for a subset (one or more items).

I agree that some clients might just assume that the second part is the data. If the other issues were not there, then I think would be a concern, but I think the others are more important.

The Data element is used to link the DDX, in one part, to the data values, in another part, so that other protocols (e.g., DAP-SOAP) can package several responses in one document easily. That is, while this design does not provide for that capability, it is easily extensible to one that does.

Adding the Data element

In addition to the multipart MIME document that holds the two parts of the data response, the Data element holds a reference to the 'data part' of the response. Here's a sample Data element:

<Data xmlns:xlink="" 
      xlink:href="cid:6efa6ea4:98eda872192:-1ed1" xlink:type="simple"/>

Example DataDDX response Sent via HTTP 1.1

Note that this example shows the DataDDX being returned using HTTP/1.1. In past versions of DAP important information was encoded in the HTTP response headers. In this example the key information, that this response conforms to DAP version 3.2 is encoded both in the response header and the DDX response element using the dap-version attribute. This makes the DataDDX more friendly toward applications which use non-HTTP transport protocols.

 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
 Content-Type: multipart/related; type="text/xml"; start="<080B6DC4AC8AF0C43041C57CE8DE9646>"; boundary="--mimepart_7_9651610.1145395859678"
 Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 21:30:59 GMT
 XDAP: 3.2
 Connection: close
 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
 Content-Id: <080B6DC4AC8AF0C43041C57CE8DE9646>
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

        <Data xmlns:xlink="" 
              xlink:href="cid:6efa6ea4:98eda872192:-1ed1" xlink:type="simple"/>

        <Attribute name="NC_GLOBAL" type="Container">
	     <Attribute name="base_time" type="String">
	         <value>"88- 10-00:00:00"</value>
	     <Attribute name="title" type="String">
	         <value>" FNOC UV wind components from 1988- 10 to 1988- 13."</value>
	 <Attribute name="DODS_EXTRA" type="Container">
	     <Attribute name="Unlimited_Dimension" type="String">
	 <Array name="v">
	     <Attribute name="units" type="String">
		 <value>"meter per second"</value>
             <Attribute name="long_name" type="String">
		 <value>"Vector wind northward component"</value>
	     <Attribute name="missing_value" type="String">
	     <Attribute name="scale_factor" type="String">
	     <dimension name="time_a" size="16"/>
	     <dimension name="lat" size="17"/>
	     <dimension name="lon" size="21"/>

 Content-Type: application/octet-stream
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
 Content-Id: 6efa6ea4:98eda872192:-1ed1
   Here be the XDR encoded binary stuff that is the data from the GetDATA request