BES File Out NetCDF

From OPeNDAP Documentation

How to flatten hierarchical types

For a structure such as

Structure {
    Int x;
    Int y;
} Point;

represent that as


Explicitly including the dot seems ugly and like a kludge and so on, but it means that the new variable name can be feed back into the server to get the data.

Because this is hardly a lossless, we should also add an attribute that contains the original real name of the variable - information that this is the result of a flattening operation, that the parent variable was a Structure, Sequence or Grid and its name was xyz. Given that, it should be easy to sort out how to make a future request for the data in the translated variable.

This in some way obviates the need for the dot, but I think we should use that regardless.

General questions

  • Should I traverse the data structure to see if there are any sequences?

jimg 17:53, 18 December 2008 (PST) Yes. An initial version should note their presence and add an attribute noting that they have been elided. To translate a Sequence, there are several cases to consider:

  1. A Sequence of simple types only (which means a one-level sequence): translate to a set of arrays using a name-prefix flattening scheme.
  2. A nested sequence (otherwise with only simple types) should first be flattened to a one level sequence and then that should be flattened.
  3. A Sequence with a Structure or Grid should be flattened by recursively applying the flattening logic to the components.


  • Flatten
  • prepend name of structure with an underscore followed by the variable name. Keep track as there might be embedded structures, grids, etc...

jimg 17:53, 18 December 2008 (PST) Use the procedure described above in How to flatten hierarchical types.

jimg 17:53, 18 December 2008 (PST) I would use a dot even though I know that dots in variable names are, in general, a bad idea. If we use underscores then it maybe hard for clients to form a name that can be used to access values from a server based on the information in the file.


  • Flatten.
  • Use the name of the grid for the array of values
  • prepend the name of the grid plus an underscore to the names of each of the map vectors. jimg 11:31, 21 December 2008 (PST) A more sophisticated version might look at the values of two or more grids that use the same names and have the same type (e.g., Float64 lon[360]) and if they are the same, make them shared dimensions.


  • write_array appears to be working just fine.
  • If array of complex types?


  • For now throw an exception jimg 11:31, 21 December 2008 (PST) Initial version should elide these I think because there are important cases where they appear as part of a dataset but not the main part. We can represent these as arrays easily in the future.


  • Global Attributes?
    • Include global attribute to include URL that generated that new file
  • Variable Attributes
    • What about attributes for structures? Should these attributes be created for each of the variables in the structure? So, if there is a structure a with variables v1 and v2 then the attributes for a will be attributes for a_v1 and a_v2? Or are there attributes for each of the variables in the structure? Or both.
    • For multi-dimensional datasets there will be a structure for each container, and each of these containers will have global attributes.