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The OPeNDAP Messages

An OPeNDAP server is in the business of making replies to queries for data and other services. The queries come in the form of specially formed URLs and the replies consist of MIME documents whose contents are described in the sections below. (Technically speaking, the response document headers aren't exactly right, but they function in the same way.)

All the requests start with a root URL, and they all are in the form of a GET, using a suffix on the root URL and a constraint expression to indicate which service is requested and what the parameters are.

(There is also an experimental SOAP interface that uses a POST to request data.)

The replies come in three categories: Ancillary data, Data, and the other services. The following sections cover each of them, beginning with the ancillary data messages.

Ancillary data

In order to use some data set, a user must have some information at his or her disposal that is not strictly included in the data itself. This information, called ancillary data, describes the shape and size of the data types that make up the data set, and provides information about many of the data set's attributes, as well. OPeNDAP uses two different structures, to supply this ancillary information about an OPeNDAP data set. The Dataset Descriptor Structure (DDS) describes the data set's structure and the relationships between its variables, and the Dataset Attribute Structure (DAS) provides information about the variables themselves. Both structures are described in the following sections.

Dataset Descriptor Structure

In order to translate data from one data model into another, OPeNDAP must have some knowledge about the types of the variables, and their semantics, that comprise a given data set. It must also know something about the relations of those variables—even those relations which are only implicit in the dataset's own API. This knowledge about the dataset's structure is contained in a text description of the dataset called the "Dataset Description Structure" (DDS).

The DDS does not describe how the information in the data set is physically stored, nor does it describe how the "native" API is used to access that data. Those pieces of information are contained in the API itself and in the OPeNDAP server, respectively. The DDS contains knowledge about the dataset variables and the interrelations of those variables. The server uses the DDS to describe the structure of a particular dataset to a client.

The DDS is a textual description of the variables and their classes that make up some data set. The DDS syntax is based on the variable declaration and definition syntax of C and C++. A variable that is a member of one of the base type classes is declared by writing the class name followed by the variable name. The type constructor classes are declared using C's brace notation. A grammar for the syntax is given in the table below. (Note that the Dataset keyword has the same syntactic function as Structure but is used for the specific job of enclosing the entire data set even when it does not technically need an enclosing element.)

"data set Dataset { declarations } name;
"declaration List declaration
"base-type" var;
Structure {"declarations"} "var";
Sequence {"declarations"} "var";
Grid { ARRAY : "declaration" MAPS: "declarations" } "var";
"base-type" Byte
"var" "name"
"name array-decl"
"array-decl" [integer ]
["name" = integer]
"name" User-chosen name of data set, variable, or array dimension.

Dataset Descriptor Structure Syntax

A DDS is returned in response to a request for the DDS, and it is also part of the data return. The request URL for the DDS is composed of the root URL, with the suffix ".dds". For example, if a data set is located at http:/ then you'll find the DDS at http:/

An example DDS entry is shown below. (There are more in Data_Models, where there's also an explanation of the information implied by the data model.)

 Dataset { 
  Int32 catalog_number;
  Sequence {
    String experimenter;
    Int32 time;
    Structure {
      Float64 latitude;
      Float64 longitude;
    } location;
    Sequence {
      Float64 depth;
      Float64 salinity;
      Float64 oxygen;
      Float64 temperature;
    } cast;
  } station;
} data;

Example Dataset Descriptor Entry.

Dataset Attribute Structure

The "Dataset Attribute Structure" (DAS) is used to store attributes for variables in the dataset. An attribute is any piece of information about a variable that the creator wants to bind with that variable excluding the type and size, which are part of the DDS. Typical attributes might range from error measurements to text describing how the data was collected or processed.

In principle, attributes are not processed by software, other than to be displayed. However, many systems rely on attributes to store extra information that is necessary to perform certain manipulations of data. In effect, attributes are used to store information that is used "by convention" rather than "by design". OPeNDAP can effectively support these conventions by passing the attributes from data set to user program via the DAS. (Of course, OPeNDAP cannot enforce conventions in datasets where they were not followed in the first place.0

The syntax for attributes in a DAS is given in the table below. Every attribute of a variable is a triple: attribute name, type and value. The name of an attribute is an identifier, consisting of alphanumeric characters, plus "_" and "/". The type of an attribute may be one of: "Byte", "Int32", "UInt32", "Float64", "String" or "Url". An attribute may be scalar or vector. In the latter case the values of the vector are separated by commas (,) in the textual representation of the DAS.

"DAS" Attributes "{var-attr-list}"
"var-attr-list" "var-attr"
"var-attr-list" "var-attr"
(empty list)
"var-attr" "variable" {"attr-list"}
"container" {var-attr-list}
"global-attr" Global "variable" {"attr-list"}
"attr-list" attr-triple;
"attr-list" "attr-triple"
"(empty list)"
"attr-triple" attr-type attribute attr-val-vec;
"attr-val-vec" "attr-val"
"attr-val-vec", "attr-val"
"attr-val" numeric value
"attr-type" "Byte"
"variable" user-chosen variable name
"attribute" user-chosen attribute name
"container" user-chosen container name

Dataset Attribute Structure Syntax

A DAS is returned in response to a request for the DAS. Unlike the DDS, it is not part of the data return. The request URL for the DAS is composed of the root URL, with the suffix ".das". For example, if a data set is located at http:/ then you'll find the DAS at http:/


An attribute can contain another attribute, or a set of attributes. This is roughly comparable to the way compound variables can contain other variables in the DDS. The container defines a new lexical scope for the attributes it contains.

Consider the following example:

 Attributes {
   Bill {
      String LastName "Evans";
      Byte Age 53;
      String DaughterName "Matilda";
      Matilda {
         String LastName "Fink";
         Byte Age 26;

An Example of Attribute Containers

Here, the attribute Bill.LastName would be associated with the string "Evans", and Bill.Age with the number 53. However, the attribute Bill.Matilda.LastName would be associated with the string "Fink" and Bill.Matilda.Age with the number 26.

Using container attributes as above, you can construct a DAS that exactly mirrors the construction of a DDS that uses compound data types, like "Structure" and "Sequence". Note that though the Bill attribute is a container, it has attributes of its own, as well. This exactly corresponds to the situation where, for example, a "Sequence" would have attributes belonging to it, as well as attributes for each of its member variables. Suppose the Sequence represented a single time series of measurements, where several different data types are measured at each time. The Sequence attributes might be the time and location of the measurements, and the individual variables might have attributes describing the method or accuracy of that measurement.

Global Attributes

A "global attribute" is not bound to a particular identifier in a dataset; these attributes are stored in one or more containers with the name Global or ending with _Global. Global attributes are used to describe attributes of an entire dataset. For example, a global attribute might contain the name of the satellite or ship from which the data was collected. Here's an example:

 Attributes {
   Bill {
      String LastName "Evans";
      Byte Age 53;
      String DaughterName "Matilda";
      Matilda {
         String LastName "Fink";
         Byte Age 26;
   Global {
      String Name "FamilyData";
      String DateCompiled "11/17/98";

An Example of Global Attributes

Global attributes can be used to define a certain view of a dataset. For example, consider the following DAS:

 Attributes {
   CTD {
      String Ship "Oceanus";
      Temp {
         String Name "Temperature";
      Salt {
         String Name "Salinity";
   Global {
      String Names "OPeNDAP";
   FNO_Global {
      String Names "FNO";
      CTD {
         Temp {
            String FNOName "TEMPERATURE";
         Salinity {
            String FNOName "SALINITY";

An Example of Global Attributes In Use

Here, a dataset contains temperature and salinity measurements. To aid processing of this dataset by some OPeNDAP client, long names are supplied for the Temp and Salt variables. However, a different client (FNO) spells variable names differently. Since it is seldom practical to come up with general-purpose translation tables, the dataset administrator has chosen to include these synonyms under the FNO_Global attributes, as a convenience to those users.

Using global attributes, a dataset or catalog administrator can create a layer of attributes to make OPeNDAP datasets conform to several different dataset naming standards. This becomes significant when trying to compile an OPeNDAP dataset database.

Data Transmission

An OPeNDAP server returns data to a client in response to a request URL composed of the root URL, with the suffix ".dods". For example, if a data set is located at http:/ then you'll find the data at http:/

The data is returned in a MIME document that consists of two parts: the DDS, and the data encoded according to the description in External Data Representation. (The returned document is sometimes called the DataDDS.) The two parts are separated by this string:


The DDS included is modified according to any constraint expression that may have been applied. That is, the returned DDS describes the returned data.

For example, consider a a request for data from a data set with a DDS like this:

Dataset {
    Grid {
        Int16 sst[time = 1857][lat = 89][lon = 180];
        Float64 time[time = 1857];
        Float32 lat[lat = 89];
        Float32 lon[lon = 180];
    } sst;
    Float64 time_bnds[time = 1857][nbnds = 2];

This is the DDS of a typical gridded dataset. Suppose, though, that you ask for only the time values of the data set. The DDS of the result will look like this:

Dataset {
    Float64 time[time = 1857];

This DDS will be included in the DataDDS return, ahead of the encoded array of 1857 64-bit time values.

For more information about sampling OPeNDAP data sets, see the section below about constraint expressions.

NOTE:A request for data from an OPeNDAP client will

generally make three different service requests, for data attributes (DAS), data descriptors (DDS), and for data. The prepackaged OPeNDAP clients do this for you, so you may not be aware that three requests

are made for each URL.

Other Services

In addition to the data, DDS, and DAS, an OPeNDAP server may provide any or all of the services described in the sections that follow.

ASCII Service

This service returns an ASCII representation of the requested data. This can make the data available to a wide variety of standard web browsers. This service is activated when the server receives a URL ending with .asc or .ascii.

Click[1:3][45:48][90:95] to see an ASCII response.

Note that unlike the data response, the ASCII response does not contain a DDS for the returned data. Instead it just returns the simple text message.

The Quick Start Guide contains many examples of the ASCII response.

Info Service

The Info service formats information from a data set's DAS and DDS into a single HTML document suitable for viewing in a web browser. The returned document may include information about both the data server itself (such as server functions implemented), and the dataset referenced in the URL. The server administrator determines what information is returned in response to such a request. The services is activated by a URL ending in .info.

Click to see an Info response.

WWW Interface Service

The WWW service is another way to browse a server's data interactively. You can use this either to look at an individual data file, or a directory of files (or "files" since a server may contain logical entities that look like files).

The server uses a data set's DDS and DAS to construct a web form you can use to construct a URL that subsamples the data set (using a constraint expression). You can copy the resulting URL into another browser, or use one of the buttons on the form to download data.

actual size

If a server receives a URL that either ends in a slash (/) or contents.html, it returns a web page that looks like a standard web browser's directory view.

actual size

Each link in the directory view opens up the WWW service version of that data.

The Quick Start Guide contains more information about browsing OPeNDAP data interactively.

Version Service

This service returns the version information for the OPeNDAP server software running on the server. This service is triggered by a URL ending with .ver. The return is a short text message containing the relevant version numbers.


The OPeNDAP server provided by the OPeNDAP group contains an experimental SOAP service, allowing users to make requests and get responses by exchanging SOAP XML documents. This is an experimental service, and if you're writing an application depending on it, it's best to contact the OPeNDAP developer team.


The DDX is an XML version of the DAS and DDS, combined. It is triggered by a URL ending with .ddx. You can find the schema for the DDX at

The DDX is designed to contain data, too, but this is not yet implemented. You will see an empty dataBLOB element at the end of each DDX, which will eventually hold returned data.

The DDX response can be modified with a constraint expression. Like the DDS, the DDX will describe only the data actually returned.

The DDX and the DataDDX (containing the dataBLOB) are the nucleus of what will become version 4 of the DAP.


Some OPeNDAP servers (including Hyrax, the server supplied by the OPeNDAP group) can make sensible replies to requests for THREDDS catalog information. This can serve to "advertise" a server's data by having it appear in catalogs accumulated by THREDDS browsers. For more information about THREDDS, see the THREDDS home page.

Constraint Expressions

The OPeNDAP software is not only a data transport mechanism. Using OPeNDAP, you can subsample the data you are looking at. That is, you can request an entire data file, or just a small piece of it.

Selecting Data: Using Constraint Expressions

The URL such as this one:

refers to the entire dataset contained in the file. A user may, however, choose to sample the dataset simply by modifying the submitted URL. The constraint expression attached to the URL directs that the data set specified by the first part of the URL be sampled to select only the data of interest from a dataset.

Because the expression modifies the URL used to access data, this works even for programs that do not have a built-in way to accomplish such selections. This can vastly reduce the amount of data a program needs to process, and reduce the network load of transmitting that data to the client.

Constraint Expression Syntax

A constraint expression is appended to the target URL following a question mark, as in the following examples:







CAUTION: An OPeNDAP data set can contain an extraordinary amount of data. You almost certainly do not want to make an unconstrained request to a data set without knowing something about it. Familiarize yourself with the DDS and DAS before asking for data; it can prevent overload.

A constraint expression consists of two parts: a projection and a selection, separated by an ampersand (&). Either part may contain several sub-expressions. Either part may be present, or both.


A projection is simply a comma-separated list of the variables that are to be returned to the client. If an array is to be subsampled, the projection specifies the manner in which the sampling is to be done. If the selection is omitted, all the variables in the projection list are returned. If the projection is omitted, the entire dataset is returned, subject to the evaluation of the selection expression. The projection can also include functional expressions of the form:


where the arguments are variables from the dataset, scalar values, or other functions. (See Constraint Expression Functions below.)

A selection expression leads with an ampersand and is a boolean expression of the form "variable operator variable", "variable operator value" or "function(arg_1,arg_2,...,arg_n)", where

Can be one of the relational operators listed in the table below.
Can be any variable recorded in the dataset.
Can be any scalar, string, function, or list of numbers (Lists are denoted by comma-separated items enclosed in curly braces ,for example, {3,11,4.5}.); and
Is a function defined by the server to operate on variables or values, and to return a boolean value.

Each selection clause begins with an ampersand (&). You can think of this as representing the "AND" boolean operation, but remember that it is actually a prefix operator, not an infix operator. That is, it must appear at the beginning of each selection clause, no matter what. This means that a constraint expression that contains no projection clause must still have an & in front of the first selection clause.

There is no limit on the number of selection clauses that can be combined to create a compound constraint expression. Data that produces a true (non-zero) value for the entire selection expression will be included in the data returned to the client by the server. If only a part of some data structure, such as a Sequence, satisfies the selection criteria, then only that part will be returned.

NOTE: Due to the differences in data model paradigms,

selection is not implemented for the OPeNDAP array data types, such as Grid or Array. However, many OPeNDAP servers implement selection functions you can use for the same effect. (See Constraint Expression Functions

below for more about functions.)

Simple Constraint Expression Examples

Consider the DDS below. This is the description of a dataset containing station data including temperature, oxygen, and salinity. Each station also contains 20 oxygen data points, taken at 20 fixed depths, used for calibration of the data.

Dataset {
      Int32 day;
      Int32 month;
      Int32 year;
      Float64 lat;
      Float64 lon;
      Float64 O2cal[20];
         Float64 press;
         Float64 temp;
         Float64 O2;
         Float64 salt;
      } cast;
      String comments;
   } station;
} arabian-sea;

Sample Data Descriptor

The following URL will return only the pressure and temperature pairs of this dataset. (Note that the constraint expression parser removes all spaces, tabs, and newline characters before the expression is parsed.) There is only a projection clause, without a selection, in this constraint expression.,station.cast.temp

We have assumed that the dataset was stored in the JGOFS format on the remote host, in a file called explO2/cruise. For the sake of brevity, from here on we will omit the first part of the URL, to concentrate on the constraint expression alone.

If we only want to see pressure and temperature pairs below 500 meters deep, we can modify the constraint expression by adding a selection clause.


In order to retrieve all of each cast that has any temperature reading greater than 22 degrees, use the following:


Simple constraint expressions may be combined into compound expressions by appending them to one another. To retrieve all stations west of 60 degrees West and north of the equator:


As was mentioned, the logical OR can be implemented using a list of scalars. The following expression will select only stations taken north of the equator in April, May, June, or July.


If our dataset contained a field called monsoon-month, indicating the month in which monsoons happened that year, we could modify the last example search to include those months as follows:


In other words, a list can contain both values and other variables. If monsoon-month was itself a list of months, a search could be written as:


For arrays and grids, there is a special way to select data within the projection clause. Suppose we want to see only the first five oxygen calibration points for each station. The constraint expression for this would be:


By specifying a stride value, we can also select a hyperslab of the oxygen calibration array:


This expression will return every fifth member of the 02cal array. In other words, the result will be a four-element array containing only the first, sixth, eleventh, and sixteenth members of the 02cal array. Each dimension of a multi-dimensional arrays may be subsampled in an analogous way. The return value is an array of the same number of dimensions as the sampled array, with each dimension size equal to the number of elements selected from it.

Operators, Special Functions, and Data Types

The constraint expression syntax defines a number of operators for each data type. These operators are listed in the table below.

All the operators defined for the scalar base types are boolean operators whose result depends on the specified comparison between its arguments.

Constraint Expression Operators.

Class Operators
Simple Types
Byte, Int*, UInt*, Float* < > = != <= >=
String = != ~=
URL = != ~=
Compound Types
Array [start:stop] [start:stride:stop]
Structure . /
Sequence . /
Grid [start:stop] [start:stride:stop] .

Individual fields of type constructors may be accessed using the dot (.) operator or the virtual file system syntax. If a structure s has two fields time and temperature, then those fields may be accessed using s.time and s.temperature or as s/time and s/temperature.

The ~= operator returns true when the character string on the left of the operator matches the regular expression on the right. See Pattern Matching with Constraint Expressions for a discussion of regular expressions.

The array operator [] is used to subsample the given array. You can find several examples of its use in the Quick Start Guide.

Constraint Expression Functions

An OPeNDAP data server may define its own set of functions that may be used in a constraint expression. For example, the data server we've been imagining might define a sigma1() function to return the density of the water at the given temperature, salinity and pressure. A query like the following would return all the stations containing water samples whose density exceeded 1.0275g/cm3.


Functions like this one are not a standard part of the OPeNDAP architecture, and may vary from one server to another. A user may query a server for a list of such functions by sending a URL with a constraint expression that calls the "version()" function.

This will return a list of functions implemented. Call any of the functions with no arguments to see a description of the arguments.

For example:


Note: When using functions, be careful to remember that a function used in a projection can return any value, but when used in a selection clause, it must either return a boolean value, or be part of a test that

returns a boolean value.

Pattern Matching with Constraint Expressions

There are three operators defined to compare one String data type to another. The = operator returns TRUE if its two input character strings are identical, and the != operator returns TRUE if the Strings do not match. A third operator, ~= is provided that returns TRUE if the String to the left of the operator matches the regular expression in the String on the right.

A regular expression is simply a character string containing wildcard characters that allow it to match patterns within a longer string. For example, the following constraint expression might return all the stations on the sample cruise at which a shark was sighted:


Most characters in a regular expression match themselves. That is, an "f" in a regular expression matches an "f" in the target string. There are several special characters, however, that provide more sophisticated pattern-matching capabilities.

The period matches any single character except a newline.
* + ?
These are postfix operators, which indicate to try to match the preceding regular expression repetitively (as many times as possible). Thus, o* matches any number of o's. The operators differ in that o* also matches zero o's, o+ matches only a series of one or more o's, and o? matches only zero or one o.
"[ ... ]"
Define a "character set," which begins with [ and is terminated by ]. In the simplest case, the characters between the two brackets are what this set can match. The expression [Ss] matches either an upper or lower case s. Brackets can also contain character ranges, so [0-9] matches all the numerals. If the first character within the brackets is a caret ( ), the expression will only match characters that do not appear in the brackets. For example, [ 0-9]* only matches character strings that contain no numerals.
These are special characters that match the empty string at the beginning or end of a line.
These two characters define a logical OR between the largest possible expression on either side of the operator. So, for example, the string Endeavor\|Oceanus matches either Endeavor or Oceanus. The scope of the OR can be contained with the grouping operators, \( and \).
\( \)
These are used to group a series of characters into an expression, or for the OR function. So, for example, \(abc\)* matches zero or more repetitions of the string abc2.

There are several more special characters and several other features of the characters described here, but they are beyond the scope of this guide. The OPeNDAP regular expression syntax is the same as that used in the Emacs editor. See the documentation for Emacs for a complete description of all the pattern- matching capabilities of regular expressions.

Optimizing the Query

Using the tools provided by OPeNDAP, a user can build quite elaborate and sophisticated constraint expressions that will return precisely the data he or she wishes to examine. However, as the complexity of the constraint expression increases, so does the time necessary to process that expression. There are some techniques a user may user to optimize the evaluation of a constraint that will ease the load on the server, and provide faster replies to OPeNDAP dataset queries.

The OPeNDAP constraint expression evaluator uses a "lazy evaluation" algorithm. This means that the sub-clauses of the selection clause are evaluated in order, and parsing halts when any sub-clause returns FALSE. Consider a constraint expression that looks like this:


If the server encounters a station with no oxygen values over 15.0, it does not bother to look at the temperature records at all. The first sub- clause evaluates FALSE, so the second clause is never even parsed.

A careful user may use this feature to his or her advantage. In the above example, the order of the clauses does not really matter; there are the same number of temperature and oxygen measurements at each station. However, consider the following expression:


For each station there is only one month value, while there are many oxygen values. Passing a constraint expression like this one will force the server to sort through all the oxygen data for each station (which could be in the thousands of points), only to throw the data away when it finds that the month requested does not match the month value stored in the station data. This would be far better done with the clauses reversed:


This expression will evaluate much more quickly because unwanted stations may be quickly discarded by the first sub-clause of the selection. The server will only examine each oxygen value in the station if it already knows that the station might be worth keeping.

This sort of optimization becomes even more important when one of the clauses contains a URL. In general, any selection sub-clause containing a URL should be left to the end of the selection. This way, the OPeNDAP server will only be forced to go to the network for data if absolutely necessary to evaluate the constraint expression.