
From OPeNDAP Documentation

This site contains the (new) repository for OPeNDAP software documentation.

User Guides

Getting Started with OPeNDAP Software

An overview of our software

The User's Guide

A comprehensive guide to sharing data with our software

Server Side Processing Functions

A listing of functions that Hyrax provides along with their documentation.


Hyrax - Installation and Customization (BES, OLFS, format & response handlers)

The OPeNDAP Data Server, Hyrax, is the latest data server from OPeNDAP. These pages contain documentation that covers server installation and customization.

libdap++: C++ DAP Implementation Documentation

Libdap is the C++ implementation of the OPeNDAP Data Access Protocol. This pages contains links to the libdap++ reference guide and a usage guide that explains some of the ins and outs of this class library.

Java OPeNDAP API Documentation

The Java OPeNDAP API; this is used by TDS, Netcdf-Java and lots of other software.

BES Implementation Documentation

The BES (OPeNDAP Back-End Server) is a part of the OPeNDAP 4 Server, known as Hyrax. These pages contain the BES reference guide.

White Papers

Making the transition to DAP4


This is a short How-To that covers modifying existing modules (aka 'handlers') for the BES so that they will return DAP4 Data and Metadata responses. In this how-to, we cover modifications for modules that read data as well as ones that transform the DAP responses into other things, such as taking a binary data object and transforming it into a netCDF file or a CSV ASCII response.

A One-day Course on Hyrax Development

This one day course on Hyrax development focuses on building and debugging the Back End Server (BES) component of Hyrax, with a particular emphasis on writing server side functions. Included is a SUSE linux virtual machine that contains a complete copy of Hyrax, ready to run, along with some sample data and Eclipse. The course is a mixture of PowerPoint slide sets, hands-on work and MediaWiki pages.

Writing a Client

A short tutorial on how to write a client. Still under development.

Writing a Module for Hyrax

A short tutorial on how to write a module for Hyrax. This is one of many such 'short tutorials on ...'. Another, much older, one can be found at Writing A Server. It covers the older server design, but many of the concepts are still valid.

Using Virtual Machines to Serve Data

This short guide discusses using a virtual machine and a hypervisor (VMware Server) to serve data. In the guide we cover both serving data with Hyrax running within a VM and also using Hyrax in a workshop where the hypervisor is VMware Workstation. You cannot actually serve data to remote users with Workstation, but it's a great environment in which to learn about the server's different capabilities. In both cases the advantages of using a VM are that the server runs in Linux on the virtual machine while you run the hypervisor under any of its supported operating systems. An additional advantage is that the hypervisor can be used very effectively in the context of an overall security plan.

Server Dispatch Operations

Building OPeNDAP Software on OS X

How to build our code on OS X. Really, the short answer "./configure; make; make install" is only technically true. To work with the code as a developer you will need to update parts of teh stock OS X development environment. This describes how to do that and avoid some common pitfalls.

Building Hyrax-1.6.2 Package Installer(s) for OS-X 10.5 (Leopard)

This describes how to take our shrew project and build an OS/X package that enables users to install Hyrax with a single click. The resulting server can be easily uninstalled as well. Included with the server is a set of dependencies, so all a person needs is an OS/X 10.5 or greater machine and this package.


Wiki Testing

Retired Pages